The first KING size quilt I made, way back when I first started quilting over a dozen years ago, had lived on my bed soooo long that it had become faded. I had made a LOT of quilts but not another kind size one for my bed. So, I broke down and did an embarrassing thing.... (I am a QUILTER after all!) I bought a quilt from
Bed, Bath and Beyond. That "store bought" quilt lived on my bed until it's edges started to fray! It was time to do something different. I dug in my UFO pile and found a KING size quilt top that I had never quilted. Perfect! I finished it up and put it on the bed. I shared a post about finishing it
here. That quilt has been living on my bed since it was finished. It's a dark quilt and I've been in a BRIGHT mood lately and that's probably why this ad from
SteinMart spoke to me.

They came in MANY colors and a KING size was ONLY $30! I don't have another king size top in the UFO pile and you can't begin to make a quilt for that price. So here I went again... off to get a "store bought" quilt. How embarrassing...
This is the one I came home with:
For me it came down to the ORANGE or GREEN. The orange one won out because the last "store bought" quilt that lived on my bed was green.
AND... the orange one would go well with the PURPLE and BRIGHT GREEN pillows I already had on hand (past store bought bed products).
What do ya think? The room has a whole different feel and it only cost me 30 bucks. Someone once told me that I need to use more PRINTS in my décor but I never know WHAT print to buy so I play it safe. As for the cat, Jazz... (my apologies to those that aren't cat lovers) she is always quick to HELP with ANY sort of home improvement task. I really did try to get a picture without her in it but finally gave up after at least 12 shots.
So, I'm interested in what you think makes an attractive bed:
Does your bed showcase homemade or 'store bought' stuff?
I do both but would showoff homemade more if I could get it together to have made more than just TWO king size quilts.
Do you change the bedcovering with the seasons, or just when you get tired of it (or it gets tired and frayed)?
Christmas is the one Holiday beds in my house display a quilt for the season. Sometimes I'll throw one on the bed that's kinda seasonal, like bright orange for summer.
Do you make your bed everyday?
Huh! I used to make my bed EVERYDAY. That was back when I was young and full of energy. Now I do what my husband calls "making it like a bachelor", I just throw the covers up over the pillows. It only REALLY gets made when I know company is coming.
Accent pillows. What's the perfect amount?
My bed rarely shows off accent pillows. I tend to lean more towards fewer pillows, I mean really... they spend most of the time stacked up on the floor beside the dresser.
Is your style to have sheets that match the quilt?
The most important thing to me is comfort. I hate trying to sleep on itchy or rough sheets and I'm kinda fussy about them being clean.