Thursday, February 9, 2012

Beading and STUFF!

Yesterday I had an educational experience with Arlene Walsh.  If you are not familiar with Arlene's work you've missed something.  Arlene is a resident of our fine state who offers quilters (and others interested in Southwest Art) eyecandy and projects.  She has a line of quilt and bead embroidery patterns for us crafty types and rustic jewelry and wall art for those that enjoy looking at it but not making it.  Arlene does not have a website however you can reach her at 928-472-7680 or  Her patterns can be found at quilt shops throughout the state.

So, anyway... I spent the day with Arlene (and 3 other lovely ladies) watching (and imitating) how Arlene does her beadwork and other STUFF.  The picture above is what I accomplished with my day.  Under Arlene's watchful eye I covered a 3 inch square piece of Timtex Interfacing/Stabilizer with my background fabric.  Then sewed on a BIG bead and started added smaller beads.  As you can see in the picture I didn't get very far.  The really sad part of that statement is it means I still have a LONG ways to go before this little 3" square is finished!

I did come home with enough STUFF to finish my little square AND some other STUFF that I thought would be FUN to work with (or maybe just look at and fondly once in awhile).  What a day of inspiration and FUN!

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