Sunday, October 23, 2011

What A Cutie

When my daughter was little she had a wrap dress.  She loved it!  It was like a new kinda toy.  I mean, when you're a little girl learning how to dress yourself, how FUN is it to have a dress with three armholes?  AND you can put it on with the flap in the back OR in the front.  So when I saw this little Mary Go 'Round dress pattern by Patterns by Figgy's it took me back a few years and I had to make one.  This pattern has an extra bonus cuz it's REVERSIBLE!  So it's like having TWO dresses with three armholes.  My daughter would test her ability to get the flap in the front or back... it was kinda like having a babysitter.

Anyway, next spring I am going to be doing a class on how to make this little dress.  It is a FUN easy project for Moms and Grandmas to make.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Last Stitch Taken

Yesterday evening I finished up this Thanksgiving tableunner.  It is a Briarwood Cottage pattern,  It is the November offering of their Calendar Pocket Series.  The series has a themed tablerunner pattern for each month of the year.  This one will be used as a store sample in the quilt shop I work in.  The finished size is SUPPOSED to be 15"x38".  I got the 38 part right but scerwed up on the 15 part.  I contacted the designer on the fact that mine ended up 17" and she straighted me out on the topic.  It was a matter of me quilting like a child and just looking at the pictures instead of actually reading the directions.  Oh well, just me and the designer would know that... except that I just shared it with you.  I don't think anything I make actually ends up like the pattern says it should.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Bleach Workshop

So this weekend I attended a bleach workshop with a couple of friends, Doreen and PJ.  :o)  The workshop was offered by the Telaraña Fiber Guild with a gal named Merry Warner sharing her fabric bleaching knowledge with us.  Merry brought lots of samples (all T-shirts) for us to check out.  We were instructed to bring T-Shirts to bleach, but with the three of us all being quilters we also brought FABRIC.  All the pieces we worked on, both T-shirts and fabric turned out awesome!  We used several different techniques to create patterns.  Paper stencils, tape, leaves and even tree branches.  In the above picture PJ's little piece of blue calico was given new life with bleach and a stencil.  Doreen used tape and leaves on her T-shirt, but the shirt was still wet in the picture and the real design does not show itself until the material is dry.  And that's me with the batik piece, I used tree branches and leaves.  Now what to do with it.  Hmmmm... I'm thinking maybe a square table topper for my dining room table.  I'll post a picture for you, IF I really ever get it done.

Here's a picture of some things others created.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Something Else for Sophia

A few days ago I shared with you a cat bed I had made for Sophia who lives in a no kill rescue shelter.  There was a lot of Pink Panther fabric left over after making the bed so I came up with another idea to spruce up Sophia's room.  A Bulletin Board!  Many of the rooms have a bulletin board in them where information and cute pictures are posted about the cat/s living in the room.  It gives her visitors and prospective 'forever family' an idea of all the cute things she does.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

A New Bed for Sophia

My younger daughter volunteers at a couple of no kill animal rescue shelters. She helps out with the cats at one and dogs at the other. I'm a fan of cats and have gone to the cat facility with her to meet all the cats. The cats are not kept in cages, they are in rooms. Some rooms house only one cat and other rooms house up to four cats. It all depends on the cats and how well they get along with others. Just like people, some cats are cranky. Every month or so I make a cat bed using a cat print fabric for the cover and stuff it with leftover scraps of fabric from quilting projects. Each room is named after a famous cat and here is a bed I made for the Pink Panther room.
Sophia claimed this bed and it seems to suit her very well.