Saturday, March 3, 2012

Quilted Symphony Moving Forward

So, back in January I shared a post "Have You Made A Quilted Symphony Yet?" about a project on my design wall.  I was moving along at a pace that I thought was pretty good UNTIL the piece was ready for me to give it some buildings.  The building process just wasn't happening for me.  It was a COLOR ISSUE.  Now, I can usually come up with colors that look pleasing to me but this time NOTHING looked right.

This week I spent the day with some quilty friends, all of which are also making a Quilted Symphony.  And I guess all that Quilted Symphony energy allowed my piece to start speaking to me again.  If you've had a chance to thumb through Gloria Loughmans quilted symphony book you may have noticed the four patterns in the back of the book and for sure you've noticed that eye catching cover quilt.  The other gals were working on the cover quilt pattern or the gorgeous leave pattern.  Since I seem to have developed a liking for house/building themed quilts I choose the pattern with building (with a few modification).  Anyway, my buildings started to appear from the fabric piles and scraps in the room that didn't belong to me.  Most of my building, and their windows, came from scraps picked up off the floor!  With just a little tiny bit of tweaking the buildings will be ready for thread work.  That process will be a whole different adventure that will probably require a visit to the thread department of a few quilt shops.  :o)

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